Ethics and Compliance Program
Our actions must ensure access to clear and timely information to our stakeholders.
Internal Control and Fraud and Corruption Prevention Policy
Through our Internal Control and Fraud and Corruption Prevention Policy, we establish the company’s commitments for the adoption and maintenance of an Internal Control System that allow the achievement, orderly and efficiently, of the objectives, management, and results of the company.
Code of Ethics
At Conecta we guarantee the right of all shareholders, directors, associates, contractors and other stakeholders to report those situations that may eventually be deemed as alleged events of fraud and / or corruption or unethical conduct, in order to manage and operate business in a transparent and sustainable way.
Ethical Channel
It is a tool by which our headquarters ensures the right of all shareholders, directors, associates, contractors, and other stakeholders to report those situations that may eventually be deemed as alleged events of fraud and / or corruption or unethical conduct, in order to manage and operate business in a transparent and sustainable way.
The Ethical Channel also allows the submission of queries to solve ethical dilemmas, under the following guarantees: Reliable, confidential, secure. No retaliation for the reporter, since its administration is in charge of an independent third-party expert.
Any director, associate, shareholder, third party, or citizen is entitled to the right to submit reports and queries. The report may be done anonymously. However, protection is guaranteed for the users of the Channel and to the confidentiality of the information contained in the report or query, with the aim of avoiding any type of retaliation.
Since the Internal Control and Prevention of Fraud and Corruption Policy is aimed to fight all acts of fraud and / or corruption, through the Ethical Channel, any fraud and / or corruption act or conduct or anti-ethical conduct can be reported. Queries on ethical dilemmas can also be performed.
It is relevant to provide the most information and evidence possible to help ease the verification process.
Groundless rumors transmission or dissemination activities, reporting or the provision of deliberately false or misleading information shall not be subject to follow-up or review.
When submitting a report or a query through the Ethical Channel, a report or query will be assigned with a file number; the person will assign a code with which the follow up may be done or an extension of a report or query.
The result from the preliminary verifications or previous investigations will be reported, same to the response to your query.
Protection of personal data
In accordance with the guidelines of the headquarters and complying with the best corporate practices, we have the Personal Data Processing Policy for the holders to learn, include, update, correct, and exclude their personal data that is subject to processing, in databases or company files.